Avocado Ice Cream
Nirmala Srinivasan
Nirmala Srinivasan is an education consultant. She is an ardent fan of television cooking and collects recipes from different parts of India. She is fond of Italian cooking.
½ litre milk ,
1 tin condensed milk ,
1 small tin cream ,
2 tbsp corn flour ,
sugar to taste (2 to 4 tbsp) ,
1 ½ avocados ,
Boil milk with sugar. Mix corn flour in a little cold milk and add to the hot boiling milk. Stir till thick cool. Beat cream and condensed milk. Take the pulp out of 1 ½ avocados and beat it smooth. Add some of the condensed milk cream mixture to this and stir till the whole thing is incorporated in the milk uniformly.
Then add the whole lot to the cooled custard. Freeze. When half set, take out, beat it and set it again.
Serves 10.
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